
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Spicy Adventure Stories, April 1942

Now that's a seriously weird cover. Catches your eye, though, doesn't it? The only author in this issue that I'm familiar with is Lew Merrill, who was really Victor Rousseau, a writer whose career goes 'way, 'way back into the early days of the pulps, but he was still prolific during the Forties, especially in the Spicies. I sort of wish I had this issue just so I could find out what that cover is about.


  1. Magazine publishers discovered that you can't go wrong with Nazis and pretty girls. The Spicy line of pulps used this theme in the 1940's and so did the mens adventure magazines in the 1950's and 1960's.

  2. Now, there's a cover for the sadomasochists in all of us!

  3. I'd say it's about a Nazi paratrooper about to rape a French farm girl, but then I have a dirty mind. He might just be saving her from that nasty bird.

  4. From the look in his eyes, I'd say he's more interested in the chicken than the girl.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
