
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Ace G-Man Stories, August 1940

With an action-packed cover like that, authors like Emile Tepperman and William R. Cox, and story titles like "Manhattan Corpse-Peddler" and "G-X and the Gorilla Girl", you can bet I'd be reading this issue right now if I owned a copy of it. Tepperman's story is from his excellent Suicide Squad series.


  1. James, I with you on wanting to own a copy of that, nice bunch of great pulp stories. I like Tepperman's stuff as a rule. And am a sucker for titles like that. Jonathan

  2. At Pulpfest, I saw that the Suicide Squad series had recently been collected into hardcover. Publisher is Battered Silicon Dispatch Box and it has an introduction by Bob Weinberg. It's a big book and priced at $75.

    A long time ago, I asked Rafael Desoto, the cover artist, why he stopped painting the very busy, action filled covers like this ACE G-MAN issue. He switched over to the portrait style for a few years, showing closeups of a gun or a girl, etc. His answer was very simple, "The art director told me to".
