
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Return of Ed Noon (and Michael Avallone)

I've probably mentioned before how it was Mike Avallone who first made me understand the concept of an author's voice. It was 1965, and the book was THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., the first tie-in novel from my new favorite TV show. Before that I'd been a voracious reader, but I never really thought that much about who wrote what. I knew which books I liked, but chances are I couldn't have told you who wrote them. Mike Avallone and THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. changed all that. For the first time I knew I wanted to read more books written by this guy.

And so I did. Dozens of them in the next few years, and many more in the decades after that. I even got to know Mike through correspondence and traded letters with him for years.

Now comes the news from his son David that many of Mike's novels are going to be available again as e-books, starting with the first four books from the Ed Noon series. I've read all of these, and they're great fun, some of the most purely entertaining private eye novels I've read. You can read more about these reprints here, and links for the first four books are below. Mike's work probably isn't for everybody, but there's nothing else like it and I'll always be a fan.


  1. I have all those but VIOLENCE IN VELVET in paperback. I have it now. Thanks for the heads-up.

  2. I appreciate what you say about Michael Avallone teaching us about an author's voice...I'm not a huge detective novel fan, but I love reading Michael Avallone because he's so confident and funny and clearly doesn't give a shit what you think of him...which makes me want to read everything he's written. Excited about the e-books!

  3. Brenda, that's a perfect description of Mike.

  4. What delightful news this is! Like you, James, the Avallone byline (or author's voice, as you put it) was one of the first ones that became an "automatic buy" for me. I was thinking it was THE FEBRUARY DOLL MURDERS where I first discovered him. But that was '67 and I also remember reading and liking THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E #1, which was '65, so maybe it was that one --- or maybe a combination of the two. At any rate, I was an Avallone fan from then on --- movie/TV tie-ins; the Ed Noon books; and even his softcore "adult books", which I have long said contained some of his best stuff.
    I got to know Avo pretty well from the late '80s on and when Gary Lovisi at Gryphon Books did a reprint of MITZI, one of his adult titles, Mike asked me to write the forward for it. It was an honor. He always called me "Big Bear" and I have three signed copies of his books addressed that way. He was a character, to be sure, but a great guy and I miss him. He was a prolific letter-writer --- Lord knows how much hell he could have raised had he lasted long enough to get involved with e-mails and blogs! I have some gaps in my Avallone/Noon collection and I surely will be filling them with these eBook re-releases. Thanks for the heads-up on this, James.

  5. Good to see you here, Wayne. We're not sure what the future holds, but the ultimate plan is to release ebooks of at least 86 Avallone titles. That's all the Noons, the Satan Sleuth series, the gothics, and some one-offs like Tales of the Frightened. There are also a handful of never-published books as well, including at least three Noons I can think of.

    So far the response has been really great, and I love seeing his old friends and fans (and those who were both) checking in.

    I was just thinking this morning about 21st Century Avo. I think he would have out-blogged us all...

  6. Three never-published Ed Noon novels? I can't wait! Also, I used to have nearly all of the Gothics, but I had gotten around to reading only a few of them when I lost them in a fire in '08, so I'm looking forward to those, too.

  7. My daughter Christie and my long time pal, Scott Hartshorn, are friends with David Avallone and sent me the news that ED NOON LIVES! Though Mike was a hard copy type of guy, I know he would be pleased that a new generation will be reading his books.

    Mike and I were friends for many years and I wrote up an account of our friendship at A great guy we all miss.

  8. I agree. 3 new Ed Noons (plus the ones previously missing from my collection)--- I can't wait either. And for some reason I never got around to the Satan Sleuth titles so am looking forward to those as well.
    Thanks, David, for this exciting news and for taking the initiative to make this happen. I'm happy for all the news readers who will be getting introduced to the Nooniverse and the Avallone byline for the first time!

  9. This is great news! Mike Avallone's works delighted me every time I read one. You could tell the guy was having fun writing his stuff!

  10. Thanks, Wayne. I think you'll get a kick out of the Satan Sleuths. Not sure when those will premiere: we're still working out the schedule. There are two unpublished Satan Sleuths that will get to an audience for the first time, too.

    George: my father had no patience for writers who agonized and complained about the process. He didn't understand them. It was, as is apparent, pure joy for him.

  11. I also read the Man from UNCLE and then went on to The February Doll Murders. I met Mike at a cocktail party at his agent, Jay Garon's, penthouse when I was a young writer and was thrilled. Went on to become "friends." Although I did get some poisoned pen letters from him over the years, he ALWAYS greeted me with a hug when we saw each other. He was one of a kind. I'm glad his son is getting him back into print. Good for you, David!


  12. I've liked the three or four Ed Noon books I've read. I also liked the "softcore" book as by Troy Conway--I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH. It's a parody of James Bond, akin to Clyde Allison's 0008 books, Ted Mark, The Lady From L.U.S.T, and a few others. Funny stuff!!!

  13. I've read several of Avo's Troy Conway books and enjoyed them all. I'd like to see a list of who actually wrote all of that series. My old MSMM Chuck Fritch supposedly wrote some of them, as did J.L. Bouma, much better known as a Western writer.

    I know I read the first Satan Sleuth book but don't recall if I read the others. I'll definitely read them again, along with the unpublished one. I'd love to see some of the Midwoods reprinted, too. I had most of those but only read one or two.

  14. "MSMM editor Chuck Fritch", that's supposed to say.

  15. I have a list of the Troy Conways which Dad wrote: I'll send it to you if you're interested.

    Ebay sellers frequently mislabel any and all Troy Conways as being written by dad, probably because he was the only author to admit to writing them, out loud, in public.

    The Midwoods aren't in the initial batch we're e-publishing, but we're deciding what to do with them. The odds are good we'll release them, just not sure where or when.

  16. I'll pass, but you guys enjoy them.
