
Monday, June 04, 2012

New Story at Beat to a Pulp

Tom Roberts is not only a fine artist and the publisher of one of the best pulp reprint lines out there, Black Dog Books, he's also an excellent writer. Check out his story "Hard Time" on BEAT TO A PULP this week.


  1. Thanks, James.

    Should any readers be intrigued by this story, I can guarantee that there are more adventures of U.S. Deputy Marshall Taggart in the pipeline.

    Tom Roberts

  2. Beautifully told story. I smiled at the reference to the toughest guy north of the Picketwire. I believe that's what John Wayne's character says about himself in THE MAN WHO KILLED LIBERTY VALANCE.

  3. You caught my nod to one of my favorite films, Ron. (One has to have a little fun for themselves, don't they?)

    Glad you enjoyed it.

