
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Frontier Stories, Spring 1950

Fiction House pulps usually had colorful covers, and this one is really eye-catching. The contents look pretty promising, too: a novel by the always dependable Dean Owen, novelettes by prolific pulpsters John Jo Carpenter and Bart Cassidy, a story by the excellent Clifton Adams, and other stories by Conrad G. Feige, Charles Dickson, Kermit Rayborn, DeWitt Newbury, and Norman B. Wiltsey, none of whom I'm familiar with. I'm sure some of them are pretty good, though.


  1. This cover had all the ingrediants, bright red and yellow to catch your eye while passing the newstand; pretty girl in peril; and the hero on a horse.

    But in 1950 the digest magazine revolution was on the horizon and the post war pulps simply were not selling, thanks in part to TV and the paperbacks.

    But the pulps still live in our collections and for an hour or so, we can ignore our electronic gadgets!

  2. Gee, if women of the frontier looked and dressed like that, it would have been a totally different Old West.

  3. That cover makes me think of some kind of communist flag...

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