
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Music: A Horse With No Name - America

This turns up a lot on lists of worst songs or most-hated songs, but I gotta tell you . . . when it's the spring of 1972 and you're a freshman in college and you're sitting around the dorm with people who are somewhat under the influence of various illegal substances and your arm is around a girl who's inexplicably called Moose even though she looks nothing like a moose . . . well, take it from me, this is a great song. The radio station we always listened to, KRMA, with studios in Buda, Texas, played it all the time. Catch those call letters? Every DJ who worked there, all of whom sounded just like Tommy Chong, did station IDs by saying, "Hey, this is Radio Karma, man." And then they'd play "A Horse With No Name" for the twentieth time that day.

And this is what happens when you get me reminiscing about college. Best not to do that.


  1. I've always enjoyed America's music, this song included.

  2. Heard this yesterday. I like it quite a lot

  3. I can think of hundreds of songs I dislike more than this one, which I think is all right.

  4. I think this is a song that it is possible to love and hate at the same time! I bought the single when it came out and for the many years since then, I have gone back and forth between enjoying it and skipping though it when it comes around on the iPod or the few times I listen to the radio. I think this is due to the fact that it still sounds unique. I can't think of another song to compare it to.

  5. Ten years later, in the summer of '82, I had this song in heavy rotation on my Camaro's cassette deck. Good memories.
