
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday's Overlooked TV: Blue Light

Like GARRISON'S GORILLAS, which I wrote about last week, BLUE LIGHT was a short-lived TV series set during World War II. It was on a year earlier in 1966, and lasted even less time, only half a season. I recall it being pretty good, though.

The emphasis was on espionage rather than combat in this one. Robert Goulet played David March, an American journalist who turns traitor and goes over to the German side early in the war, before the U.S. is involved officially. But of course, March is really an American secret agent working against the Nazis. His code name was "Blue Light", hence the name of the series.

I remember very little about this one except that I liked it. The episodes were a half-hour, which meant the plots had to be pretty tight, and it had a nice hardboiled feel to it. There are a few clips from one episode available on YouTube, but that's it.


  1. Must have gotten by me too. Robert Goulet, huh? A blank look.

  2. I remember this one fairly well. It deserved a longer run. Goulet was pretty good ..

  3. I missed this completely. But I always thought Robert Goulet was an underrated actor.

  4. I remember watching at least the first episode--it was on right after the first "Batman."

  5. One of those things that drives one to the Museum of Television and Radio...

  6. I don't remember this one, but being a teenager at the time I would have avoided Robert Goulet like the plague. Actually I still avoid Robert Goulet like the plague.

  7. Watched this every week with my mom. 'cause I wasn't allowed to watch anything else if Robert Goulet was on tv at the time. Pretty good show, as I recall.

  8. I enjoyed Blue Light when it first appeared. James, how about doing Blue Coronet next?

