
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

New Cover

In our never-ending quest to goose sales, Livia and I have put a new cover on my recent crime novel TRACTOR GIRL. So if you've been meaning to pick up a copy and haven't yet, now would be a perfect time. (In other words, buy my book, please, please, please!)


  1. I ran right out and bought a copy.

  2. You mean it actually worked? Woo-hoo!

  3. I'm not getting a picture, but it doesn't really matter as far as a sale is concerned. I already bought a copy a few weeks ago. Would be nice to see the new cover, though.

  4. Picked up my copy with the old cover...not because of the cover...but because it was a book bu Jame Reasoner...Reason enough...

  5. Bought and read, which everyone else should be saying in the next two weeks.

  6. James, when will a print version be available?

    Ron C.

  7. Ron,
    The trade paperback edition with the new cover should be available in the next week or so. The original edition was pulled from Amazon when we changed the cover. However, if you or anyone else is interested, I have a few signed copies of the original edition that I'm selling for $9.00 including U.S. postage. If anyone overseas wants a copy I'll have to figure out the cost individually. Email for details, and the address is in my profile for those who don't have it already.
