
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Story, November 25, 1939

This is a very evocative and even creepy cover by David Berger, an artist I'm not familiar with, and the contents of this issue appear to be pretty good, too. In addition to the story by Harry Sinclair Drago featured on the cover, there's a novel by Seth Ranger (who was really Frank Richardson Pierce), short stories by Harry F. Olmsted and L.L. Foreman and an installment of the serial version of the novel DEAD FREIGHT FOR PIUTE by Luke Short.  Top-notch authors all around.


  1. David Berger was a slick and pulp artist who was born in 1906 and died in 1982. I like his work but never managed to obtain any of his pulp cover paintings.

    This WESTERN STORY cover is unusual for the symbolic nature of the cover. Usually in the thirties and forties the covers showed plenty of six guns blazing away.

  2. Walker,
    I appreciate the info about Berger. I'm sure I've seen more pulp covers by him, but I don't recall ever noticing his name before I found this cover on the Fictionmags Index.

  3. Great cover! Reminds me of those Charlton ghost comics Ditko drew.

  4. This cover looks great. Luke Short isn't a name I've heard mention in a good while. I want to re-read his stuff. Thanks, James.

    Ed Lynskey
