
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Richard Stark's Parker: The Outfit - Darwyn Cooke

A while back I read THE HUNTER, the first of Darwyn Cooke's graphic novel adaptations of Donald E. Westlake's Parker series. Now I've read THE OUTFIT, the second in the series, and I continued to be very impressed by what Cooke is doing here. From what I remember of the original novels, these adaptations are very faithful, and Cooke's art, while deliberately a little cartoonish, perfectly captures the early Sixties era, while its dominant shades of blue, black, and gray give it a fine noirish feel. Don't think you can read these adaptations and skip the novels – you still need to read the books if you haven't already – but if you're a fan of the series I think you'll thoroughly enjoy what Cooke is doing. Highly recommended.


  1. Agreed. Cooke captures perfectly the feel of the early '60's, and both volumes are very faithful adaptations. I think of them as supplemental. Man, I hope he keeps going with them...

  2. Got to meet Cooke back in May and all we talked about was crime novels and writers. So cool to meet and even cooler are the two Parker head sketches he did in my books.
