
Friday, June 03, 2011

James Arness, R.I.P.

One of my all-time favorites is gone.  When I wrote about his series THE MACAHANS and HOW THE WEST WAS WON a few weeks ago, it didn't even occur to me that he might not be around much longer. James Arness just always seemed indestructible to me.  Rest in peace.


  1. I loved GUNSMOKE, but also liked his role in THEM! He was recognizable there as opposed to THE THING, also a favorite.

  2. I feel a sadness. He was a big favorite of mine as a kid.

  3. As I've already said elsewhere, he was a role model for me. Like some other lawmen, both real and fictional, Matt Dillon had an intelligent reserve that saw a flawed world and yet kept at the job of making a difference. You need someone like that around to keep from losing faith.

  4. Sad news. Another Western icon and underappreciated actor gone. He will be missed ... but not forgotten.

  5. Indestructible is just how he seemed. So sad that he wasn't.

  6. Oh lord, the guy was a fixture in lots of my favorite old westerns .. RIP
