
Monday, May 02, 2011

Longarm and the Bloody Relic

This book should be available now in all the usual places.  I was very pleased with the way it turned out.  In fact, it's one of my top two or three favorites of all the Longarm novels I've written.  It has plenty of action, some exotic settings, and one of the most obscure pulp references you're liable to find anywhere.  Sad to say, it's also my final Longarm novel, at least for the foreseeable future.  With all my other commitments, I've just run out of time for them.  I'll certainly miss ol' Custis.  I've been writing about him since 1992, almost twenty years, and have written more words of Longarm yarns than any other series in my career, nearly three million.  But if this does turn out to be the last one I ever write, I can't think of a better tale to go out with.


  1. I'm very disappointed to hear this is your possible last one, James. I dip into the Longarm books for your stories.

    I will grab a copy today.

  2. Me, too, on all counts. I'm a big Longarm fan and your contributions have been fantastic reads. Best of luck with your other commitments!

  3. If someone has never read a Longarm novel, I recommend trying what I think is one of James best in the series, Longarm and the Scarlet Rider, no.323. A great read!

    Tom Roberts
    Black Dog Books

  4. I'll take that advice, Tom, and get this one as well.

  5. I'll definitely pick this one up. I somehow doubt you're done with Custis. Time will tell.

  6. Gotta agree with the others here, it's sure a shame you've stopped writing for this series. I have the book and am looking forward to reading it after I finish The Trailsman 355: Texas Gunrunners, of which I'm about half-way through.

  7. Scarlet Rider was yours? It had the last mention I ever saw of Crown Sergeant Foster .. an old old friend of Longarm's from the Lou Cameron days, in fact from longarm #1.

    This longarm's definitely a must buy once it turns up on kindle.

    And if I can find some way of filling up the massive gaps I have in in longarm #1..150 (especially the lou camerons there) .. most if not all out of print and not available in ebook form.

  8. Big shoes to fill. I'll look for this one right away.
