
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Spur Finalist Now Available for the Kindle

My historical novel COSSACK THREE PONIES, which was a finalist for the Spur Award the year before UNDER OUTLAW FLAGS was also a finalist, is now available on Amazon for the Kindle.  Like DUST DEVILS, this story started its life as a screenplay.  I wrote the whole thing on spec, my then-agent circulated it in Hollywood for a while, but nothing came of it so I novelized the script and was able to sell it as a book.  As a result, the story is pretty cinematic, I think, with lots of action and some sweeping battle scenes.  The plot finds a Russian cossack who is accompanying a party of nobles on a hunting expedition in the American West falling in with a tribe of Blackfoot Indians and having various adventures with them.  Lots of actual historical stuff in this one, as there is in UNDER OUTLAW FLAGS.  (Note the term "actual historical stuff".  I ain't nothin' if not an intellectual.)  I think the story is a lot of fun, and those of you who take a chance on it, I hope you enjoy it.


  1. I've got this one and haven't read it yet. Gotta get to it soon.

  2. I'm the same as Charles, it sits on the bookcase behind my computer, but I've never got around to reading it yet.

  3. This is the first book of yours I read, James, and I think it's my favorite. You describe the upper Missouri River country beautifully and perfectly, and I grew up up there. Great nail-biting plot, too. Should have been a movie...or still should be.

  4. Will add it to my TBP list, although its getting quite long.

  5. I read it years ago and it remains one of my favorite Reasoners. I didn't know about the film script incarnation. It's neat to learn these behnd-the-scenes tidbits. Thanks.
