
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Diamondback Now Available for the Kindle

I'm happy to report that my novel DIAMONDBACK is now available on Amazon for the Kindle.  For some reason the description of the book isn't showing up on the Amazon page, but this is a novel that I wrote back in the Eighties for a men's adventure line that collapsed before any of the books ever came out.  (Livia and I wrote a romance novel that suffered the same fate, but it's lost now and will never see the light of day.)  DIAMONDBACK has never been published until now, so it's a new book and a historical document at the same time.  In going back over it to prepare this edition, I could see how much my writing has changed in some ways during the past thirty years, and how in other ways it's still very much the same.  The most important thing, though, is that I still found this to be an entertaining, enjoyable book.  The Kindle edition features a new introduction by Bill Crider and an afterword by me.  I've always liked this novel, and I'm glad it's out there in the world at last.


  1. Check your sales, James. It will be going up by one in a few seconds.

  2. Any plans to put this on the Nook?

  3. Thanks, David.

    Chris, this one will be available on the Nook, but not for a few days yet.

  4. James,
    The descriptions take a little time to show up on Amazon, for some reason. Don't worry--it will get there. The description on my new ebook took three days to appear.

  5. Sounds very cool - almost a Men's Adventure literary time capsule. I'll be picking it up as soon as I finish my current Kindle iPad app read.

  6. I ordered it yesterday. Can't wait to read it, although I'll have to since I'm into an Orrie Hitt book at the moment.

  7. I just bought it, James (via the Kindle app for Macs), and can't wait to read it.

    Here's hoping the brave new world of ebooks allows room for loads more manly adventure novels!

  8. Hey, cool! I love how ebooks allow for such a wide variety of new and classic crime and thrillers in various formats. I'll have to check this out on my nook!


  9. Downloading to my Kindle as I write this. Have passed the word along on Bish's Beat. My first novel was in an Adult Western series from Pinnacle called Diamondback . . .

    And Mel and I really want you to squeeze in the time to join us on Fight Card . . .

  10. Paul,
    I remember that Diamondback series from Pinnacle. There was another Western series of that title from Berkley a few years ago, that one by Frank Roderus under a pseudonym. And now my Diamondback. Who knew snakes were so popular?

    I have the beginnings of a Fight Card plot rattling around in the back of my head.

  11. At least, that's what I hope it is making that noise . . .

  12. Started reading it yesterday. Much enjoying so far.

  13. I grabbed a copy, too. I'm looking forward to it. Will you be continuing the series as an ebook original?


  14. Probably not, but if this one sells well enough, who knows? I'd have to set them in the Eighties, which would be an interesting challenge.

  15. James,

    Why not give it a go? I'm a couple of chapters into Diamonback myself, and I'm really enjoying it.

    Once (fingers crossed) I finish my more contemporary action novel, I intend to roll the timeline back and set the "sequels/prequels" in the post-Vietnam early to mid 70's. That's where the genre lived and thrived, so why not?

  16. Right now it's more a matter of time than anything else. It would be hard to work in anything else this year . . . but again, I'm not going to rule it out.

  17. If the rest of Diamonback holds up to the first few chapters, I'll be waiting with my Amazon account...

  18. Just finished this novel, and it was a heck of a fun read. A light, fast, sexy, violent thriller that kept me turning the pages (and by that I mean tapping the corner of my iPad) as fast as I could read 'em.

    One thing I really enjoyed was that this was a "timeless" novel. I saw a brief reference to a cell phone and there are a few places where things might have been modernized a touch, but by and large this could have taken place now, thirty years ago, or even fifty years ago; the When matters not, just that it's a fun, pulpy joyride.

    James, thanks for sharing this! I hope to put together a more complete review in the next few days.

  19. Thanks, Jack. Glad you enjoyed the book. I did revise the manuscript a couple of times over the years and that's probably where the more modern touches came in. The actual, original version is lost, but the published version is very, very close to what it was.

  20. I just finished it - very interesting. Sort of the print equivalent of the Sly Stallone movie THE EXPENDABLES.
