
Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Return of Lucas Hallam

I'm very pleased to announce that WILD NIGHT, Livia's first novel featuring her private eye character Lucas Hallam, is now available on Amazon for the Kindle.  For those of you not familiar with Hallam, he's a cowboy stuntman in 1920s Hollywood who also works as a private investigator.  He's a former Texas Ranger and Pinkerton agent and has appeared in three novels and numerous short stories, both mysteries and Westerns.  WILD NIGHT, the first Hallam novel, won the Shamus Award and the American Mystery Award as the Best Paperback Original of 1987.  It's been out of print for a number of years, but now it's back and I hope a lot of new readers will make Hallam's acquaintance.  I'm biased, of course, but I think the three books are great hardboiled PI novels.  There should be more Hallam news coming up in the near future as well.


  1. Great news! I'm off to buy it right now.

  2. GREAT novels and short stories. I love the Hallam ouvre even though, as an Iowan, I'm not sure what ouvre means..

  3. I just got my Kindle yesterday and will be pleased to make this my first download.

  4. Wait a minute, I remember L J Washburn and the Hallem series! I read at least one in either EQ of Alfred Hitchcock -- I was read both at the time and can't remember which the story was in. The liked the idea of the series and recall liking the story as well. This was long before I'd ever heard of the Reasoner-Washburn writing empire.

    I don't have Kindle but I'm glad that you've got it back in print.

  5. Thanks, guys. Brian, there were at least a couple of Hallam stories in EQMM but none in Hitchcock that I recall. The old codger's also appeared in at least a dozen anthologies, the most recent being CROSS PLAINS UNIVERSE.
