
Sunday, January 30, 2011


This movie is really a lot of fun. Bruce Willis plays a retired CIA agent who suddenly finds himself targeted for assassination, but he doesn’t know who wants him dead or what it’s all about. So he calls on fellow retired spies John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, and Helen Mirren to help him stay alive and find out who wants him dead. Mary Louise Parker plays a young woman who gets caught up in the whole mess. Stuff Blows Up Real Good. More bullets fly even than in the A-Team movie. Lots of runnin’ and fightin’ and snappy patter. It’s all over-the-top, of course, but not quite to the point of silliness. The plot isn’t really all that complicated, but it has just enough twists to keep it interesting. Mostly, though, it’s entertaining because the people on screen seem to be having a good time. Well worth watching if you haven’t seen it already.


  1. I thought RED was a lot of fun as well.

  2. I enjoyed it and thought Karl Urban as the CIA operative was also very good.

  3. Judy and I had a great time at this one.

  4. I heard of this movie the other day for the first time and thought I might like it. Now I'm sure I will.

  5. RED is amazing. Saw it twice in the first week and now own it on Blu-ray. They're supposedly going to do a sequel.

  6. There was something almost transcendent about seeing aging, elegant, Helen Mirren, clad in an ivory evening gown, exhibiting poise and delicacy while blasting the quarterpanels off a car with a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on a tripod.
    Every scene in that film where that woman handles a firearm is pure gold. She was clearly having a blast.

    John Hocking
