
Saturday, January 08, 2011


I got to visit a fireworks plant today, and I might get to go help set off some of the giant fireworks displays sometime.  Pretty cool stuff.  I didn't realize that some of the big shells they use are two feet in diameter.  That's a big firecracker!

And while this is definitely a feeble excuse, it's still an excuse to post a Katy Perry video in a blatant, shameless attempt bump up my blog traffic numbers. I've actually become fond of Katy Perry's songs.  Not great music, but certainly catchy.


  1. I like Katy Perry, too! Infectious music!

  2. If that doesn't get you going on a Sunday morn, what does?

  3. James, thank you for making me feel better about my own Katy Perry fandom. I was in Las Vegas two weeks in a row last fall, and walking around I kept hearing her music. I picked up her most recent album, and while much of it is pretty stupid, it's also a lot of fun.
