
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Livia's New Covers

Here are the covers for Livia's two new mystery novels that will be out this fall.  THE PUMPKIN MUFFIN MURDER, the latest book in the Fresh Baked Mystery series, will be released on November 2.  KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF, the third book in the Delilah Dickinson series, comes out a few weeks later on November 30.  I've read both these books and think they're great.  Of course, I'm hardly an unbiased judge, but you can trust me on this one.


  1. I trust you:) and think that's a sharp cover for KILLER ON A HOT TIN ROOF.

  2. I saw these on FAcebook. Pretty cool.

  3. That's a great Hot Tin Roof cover, Livia. Can't wait to read the book. Love the series.,

  4. Yeah, I really like that Hot Tin Roof cover.

  5. Agree. And the Fresh Baked series is very good. I'm not a cozy fan, but these are cozies without the treacle.

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  8. I like the title of KILLER and the cover art. The Pauline in peril looks like kind of a less bosomy, but slinkier (and therefore potentially more dangerous) version of Liz Taylor. And even though the cover art's style is a bit different, it reminds me of some of the great "women in peril" PBO covers from the 1950s and '60s. I also like the cover art on MUFFIN. Keep 'em coming!

  9. Great cover for Tin Roof. I won the first one and loved it! The second in the series is awaiting to be read. (and may be calling to me now).

  10. Wow! Way vool cover for Killer On A Hot Tin Roof. Of course, all the guys are weighing in on that cover.
