
Monday, May 10, 2010

Frank Frazetta, RIP

Word is getting around that Frank Frazetta passed away earlier today from a stroke. A lot of people will be posting about him, I'm sure, including some who knew him. I didn't, but over the years I've bought a lot of books with covers by him, including this one, which had quite an impact on my life because it introduced me to the work of Robert E. Howard. It was the Frazetta cover that caught my eye first, though, that day in Barber's Bookstore in downtown Fort Worth. A great artist who will be missed.


  1. I've been scanning the net checking out his work. What a talent!


  2. Same here, James. In fact I'd go so far as to say Frazetta has a big hand in making me such a lover of books. I'd buy books because of his cool covers, and then read the hell out of them over and over. He'll be missed.

  3. It's true. Who knows what will happen to the art now, especially with the son eager to get his hands on some or all of it.

    I loved his art from the first time I saw it, and have a couple of the Frazetta art books. Great stuff.

  4. He was the king of heroic fantasy art, and no slouch doing other illustration. An entire generation of artists own a debt to him. Like all great creators, his work will make him immortal.

  5. My favourite artist of all time. I have most of his art books.

    Sad day indeed.

  6. What a shame. He will be missed.

    Gwyn Ramsey

  7. Props to you for displaying the Lancer cover. I had the Ace version with the same cover from the late 70s. I scoured used stores for old Lancer books with art by him. To my 12-year-old mind, he drew women better than any old master. Maybe I still think this way

  8. I wonder how many artists and writers entered the field because they were inspired by his images.

    My guess: a lot.


  9. I bought many a book for the cover by Frazetta. Wonderful stuff.

  10. I've been collecting McGinnis covers for a long time, but I have a lot of Frazetta covers on my shelf. I need more. He'll be missed.


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