
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Post Grad

Here's what I learned from watching this movie:

A. Alexis Bledel is cute as all get-out.

B. Michael Keaton got old.

C. Jane Lynch is in everything.

Seriously, this is a fairly amusing little romantic comedy with enough oddball moments to make it interesting. The fact that Jane Lynch plays one of the most normal characters in the movie ought to tell you something.


  1. James, I may skip this one. Now if Kate Beckinsale was in it...

  2. You need to quit letting the 16 yr old girl at the video store pick your movies for you.

  3. Actually, one of my daughters brought this one over, but I had it on my Netflix list as well. What can I say? I like a lot of different stuff.

  4. Jane Lynch is in everything but always playing the same role.
