
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog Therapy

Remember when I posted a few weeks ago about my frequent nightmares? Well, since posting that I've woken up yelling only twice, which is a vast improvement and probably the best such stretch I've had in years. Now, I don't seriously believe that posting about it on the blog cured me, but I have to wonder . . . Now, Doctor, let me tell you about my other problems . . .


  1. And I have been waking up less full of fear than usual. Maybe it's spring fever.

  2. I wake up to hit the can. No screaming involved. Seriously, I'm glad you're in a small remission. Let's hope the night sweats stop altogether.

  3. Livia has a theory that it has something to do with more sunlight. I have been outside a lot lately. She also suggested that I keep a journal and every time I have a nightmare, write down everything I can remember that I ate the day before (in case it's food-related) and what the weather was like. Might be an interesting experiment.

  4. Be careful, James, what if that food-and-weather thing turned out to be cookies and sunshine?

    My wife has frequent nightmares, almost always concerning her being pursued in some manner, but we have not been able to discern any connection to food, weather, conversations or what she's reading, anything at all. Though not as frequent as yours they are disturbing in both meaning s of the word.

    I'm glad to hear you're less bothered by the nightmares, and I hope it continues to improve.

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