
Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Cream!

When I was a kid, one of the treats we had occasionally was snow cream: ice cream made from snow, canned milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. Simple but delicious. I haven't had any in several years, but Livia got a big bowl of snow a while ago and mixed up some snow cream. Wonderful stuff! And we have some left over to go in the freezer, too. (After eating a great big bowl of it, I sure am chilled, though.)


  1. I'm a fan of the vanilla snow cream, but my son likes a dollop of chocolate. It's like the frozen version of malt-o-meal.

  2. If you use the yellow snow, can you skip the vanilla?

  3. Never heard of it! Sounds a little like an urban legend, but you say it's real. Of course, there isn't a lot of snow here in California.

  4. I had ice cream made from snow. Not good. I don't think they had your recipe.
