
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Edition of Black Horse Extra

Word comes today from Keith Chapman, alias top-notch Western author Chap O'Keefe, that a new edition of the excellent webzine BLACK HORSE EXTRA has gone live. This issue features an excellent interview with author and blogger Gary Dobbs, an article about the new line of Black Horse Extra paperbacks (two so far, both O'Keefe titles: MISFIT LIL CHEATS THE HANGROPE and LIBERTY AND A LAW BADGE, reviewed here not long ago), an article about artist Frederic Remington, and assorted Western fiction news, primarily about the Black Horse Westerns line published by Robert Hale. As always, there's plenty of informative and entertaining reading for Western fans.

By the way, I have a copy of MISFIT LIL CHEATS THE HANGROPE on hand and hope to get around to reading it soon.


  1. I keep spoonerizing "Misfit Lil" as "Li'l Misfit" which I think is a better name for a character anyway.

  2. Beb, A point of the name "Misfit Lil" is that it was a deliberate turnaround of "Li'l Misfit", which already existed. Similarly, "Keith Chapman" existed long before "Chap O'Keefe", but the switch produced something more suitable for the circumstances. A once much-followed and respected British blogger, Grumpy Old Bookman, said: "Misfit Lil . . . . What a terrific name for a character, eh? This book belongs to an endangered species: the western. As for the story: totally professional, as you would expect, and a lot of fun. . . . . Ms Lil has appeared before, and doubtless will again."
