
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time Travelers Never Die - Jack McDevitt

Randy Johnson posted on his blog about this book a couple of days ago and did such a sterling job of it, I'm going to suggest that you go over there and read what he had to say, if you haven't already. I'm just going to add that I think this is a fine novel, with plenty of history, humor, tragedy, and well-drawn characters. I met Jack McDevitt at an ArmadilloCon several years ago and thought he was a great guy. I've read three or four of his novels since then and liked all of them a lot. I don't think you can wrong with anything he's written. TIME TRAVELERS NEVER DIE gets a high recommendation from me.


  1. I threw it into my Amazon cart after Randy's post. I love time travel books and films.

  2. When book start popping up all over like this (and SNAKE AGENT, on my blog and George Kelley's), it makes me wonder if it's chance, (as was the case with Snake Agent) or adding voices to the chorus, as it appears here. Not that either is a bad thing!

    I've tried a couple of Jack's books and found them to be "okay" but nothing I'd sprint to the book store for. This may be an exception.

  3. Great title, I'll say that. I'll have to check it out.

  4. I'm reading this one now. George Kelley gave it a "B."

  5. McDevitt is one of my favorite writers, not "SF writers" but "writers" because of his well crafted stories. You're right, James, you can't go wrong with JM.

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