
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Writers' Offices

This is an interesting website with photos of the offices of a number of science fiction and fantasy authors. Thanks to Brian Earl Brown for the link.


  1. Brian Earl Brown? Is this the same guy who was active in science fiction fanzine fandom back in the late 70s/early 80s (and maybe beyond)?

    If it is, we used to swap fanzines and I'm pretty sure we wrote LoCs to each other's publications.

    Small world, eh?

  2. I haven't known Brian that long, but I suspect he's the same guy you're thinking of. I know him from pulp fandom.

  3. One of my dreams is to have an office with a desk and lots and lots of shelves for all my books. A nice, not-so-quiet writing area (I like music when I write). Hey - I'm still in college, so right now I live in a cramped room overflowing with "stuff." I barely have room on the desk to put a glass of water.

  4. There's a name I haven't heard in a while, but you hear of him around REHupa.

  5. I'm assuming Delany's is an optical illusion and not that he works in a space ship or a sewer pipe.

  6. Brian Earl Brown (beb)10:42 AM, August 16, 2009

    Guilty as charged. I've been told I don't want to know what people say about me in REHUPA.
