
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Get Smart

As I’ve mentioned here before, during the Sixties I was a big fan of the secret agent boom in books, movies, and TV. I read all the espionage novels I could get my hands on, watched all the spy movies and TV shows. So of course, I watched GET SMART every week. I read all the tie-in novels by William Johnston. I wasn’t a huge fan of the show, mind you, but I liked it.

It took us a while to get around to it, but we finally watched the recent movie version of GET SMART, with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway taking over the parts made famous by Don Adams and Barbara Feldon. As best I recall, most of the reviews of this movie were pretty negative, not only the ones by professional reviewers and film critics but the ones that appeared on various blogs, as well. But all four of us laughed all the way through the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it, which says something about the public’s taste . . . or ours. Anyway, even though it’s one of the dreaded “reimagings” of an old favorite (generally speaking, not a good sign where I’m concerned), I thought it worked this time. Although I don’t like and don’t watch THE OFFICE, I like Carell in the movies I’ve seen him in, and Anne Hathaway has done a fine job of going from cute to really hot. I thought the rest of the cast was pretty good, too, including a late cameo by Patrick Warburton, one of my favorite actors.

So if you thought GET SMART sucked (and chances are, you did), we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


  1. I'm glad you like this, it's on my ‘to watch’ list because of Ms. Hathaway. 60's spy shows/flicks are the best. I'm watching It Takes a Thief starring a very young Robert Wagner.

  2. This one isn't on my to watch list. I remember the original show with to much appreciation I guess.
    I read the tie-ins by Johnston as well. He was the tie-in king back in the late sixties/seventies, doing Happy Days and The Flying Nun among others as well. Don't know much about him or whatever happened to him.

  3. Even though I'm not a big fan of Steve Carell, I took a flyer on Get Smart--and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't continuous funny, but it was certainly funny enough to keep me entertained--and make me willing to try out a sequel. Of course, I could be happy just watching Anne Hathaway brush her teeth; that she shows her comic chops in Get Smart is a real bonus.


  4. While you were watching "Get Smart" my daughter and I were watching "The Pink Panther 2" in the theater. Oddly enough I think your review of Get Smart could be applied word for word to PP2. Except that instead of Anne Hathaway we have Lily Tomlin.

  5. I like Lily Tomlin, but I'm not sure that's a fair trade.

  6. The only trade I'd take for Anne Hathaway is a twentysome Geena Davis. tomlin was great in PP2 as the PR person in charge of correcting Clouseau's sexist and racist comments.

  7. Geena Davis circa CUTTHROAT ISLAND and THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT? I might make that trade, too.

  8. Think "Tootsie", James.

  9. I did a Google image search on Geena Davis and Tootsie, and after careful consideration of some of the photos that came up, all I can say is --


    I like Anne Hathaway, but --


  10. Surprised I didn't put my oar in on this one...I liked this film a lot more than I expected to...and Hathaway looks pretty damned good here, almost a younger Sela Ward, for whom I wouldn't trade Geena Davis nor hardly anyone else, among the pretty women I don't really know from Eve. Particularly from about the time she was in SISTERS.

    But the film is quite good.
