
Saturday, December 27, 2008

32 and Counting

It was 32 years ago today that I made my first sale, a confession yarn to the magazine INTIMATE STORY. I've written about that, and the early days of my writing career, on numerous occasions. You can check the December 27th posts in previous years, if you haven't seen them already and are of a mind to. Although I don't imagine I thought about it at the time, if you had asked me on December 27, 1976, if I believed I'd still be in the writing game 32 years later, I think I would have said, "Sure." A writer has to be confident. Sheer stubbornness doesn't hurt anything, either.


  1. Congrats!

    And here's to another thirty-two years!


  2. in 32 years time you should be up on like 400 novels.

  3. Tell me about it! There were too many years early on when I sold only one or two novels -- or none at all. 1986 was the first year I wrote more than one novel. I did four that year. I sold my first novel in 1978, and then, if I recall correctly, one in 1980, two in '81, and then only one more until '86. So I've averaged almost ten per year since '85. With luck I'll keep it up for a while longer.

  4. Congrats on passing another milestone!

  5. Next year will mark 20 years since my first sale. Wow, where did the time go?
