
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

30 Years Ago

I almost let this anniversary slip by, but then it occurred to me that thirty years ago this month, you could go down to your friendly neighborhood newsstand (you do remember newsstands, don’t you?) and buy the December 1978 issue of MIKE SHAYNE MYSTERY MAGAZINE, featuring my first Mike Shayne story, “Death in Xanadu”. I was reminded of this the other day when a friend emailed me with some comments on my Shayne story “Midnight Wind” (from the August ’81 issue of MSMM), which he had just read. It’s hard to believe that thirty years have gone by since I wrote that first Shayne story. Seems like yesterday in some ways, more like a hundred years ago in others. But I’m still proud of it and still remember what it felt like when I first saw the cover and picked up the issue. Luckily, that feeling has never gone away. I still experience it the first time I see a new book of mine in Wal-Mart. Of course, one other thing that hasn’t changed is that, just like that Mike Shayne story, my name’s nowhere on the new books, either. But I know I wrote ‘em, and by golly, I think they’re pretty good.


  1. As a guy who read a few of them, I don't think they are good, I KNOW they are good. From the late 70s to the end of the MSMM run in 85, some of the best Mike Shayne short stories appeared in MSMM. The issues during that period, brought back the dark noir feeling that was missing in a Shayne story for many years.
    These are quality stories...

  2. It must be the week for Mike Shayne. I read August West's post on MSMM, and today I purchased a Shayne mystery WHAT REALLY HAPPENED by Brett Halliday from a second-hand bookstore. Congrats on your anniversary and here's to another 30 years of writing.

  3. Further congratulations, James! I have a copy of that issue, and will have to fish it out to read both your Shayne and Lansdale's story.

  4. The Lansdale story's a good one. And I love the title.

  5. David, as I remember WHAT REALLY HAPPENED is a really good Mike Shayne novel. I like all of them that were published before the mid-Fifties. After that they get a little hit-and-miss because more of them were ghosted, but they're all entertaining.

  6. Man, I remember it like it was yesterday, James. Seems as if it was yesterday, to me.

  7. Congrats on your first 30 years.

    You write the following: " Of course, one other thing that hasn’t changed is that, just like that Mike Shayne story, my name’s nowhere on the new books, either."

    I get the sense that your writing career is more important to you than name recognition. Not that your name is not well known but that you write more books under different names than folks who only write under their own names.

    Here's a question for you and any other writers out there: is that fact of modern publishing life--write lots of books in order to have a career as a fiction writer even though many of the books won't bear your name on the cover--the only true way to make a career as a writer (assuming a new writer is not the next Stephen King)? For me, from this side of the publishing world, I don't care if my name is on any cover. I just want the career. Sure, there's a part of me that wants to see my name on a book cover but if the price for a writing career is pen names, so be it.


  8. It's an amazing accomplishment, made more remarkable by the manner in which you achieved it. Congratulations, James.

  9. James, congrats - also for your almost Buddha-like new study!

  10. We brought my recliner up here to the office today, so the room's not quite as empty now. Plus I have a place to nap again! (My eyes may be closed, but I swear I'm working!)
