
Monday, August 18, 2008

ArmadilloCon; Gabriel Hunt

I got home yesterday evening after spending the past three days in Austin for ArmadilloCon, the excellent annual science-fiction convention sponsored by the Fandom Association of Central Texas. As always, it was wonderful seeing all my old friends and making a few new ones. I’d name names, but then my aging brain would forget someone and I’d feel guilty about that. I was on three panels, all of which went fairly well, although I think I annoyed a fellow panelist on one and definitely annoyed an audience member on another. But I had a great time wandering around the dealer’s room and talking to folks. I didn’t take any pictures (I’m a terrible photographer), but you can find some videos from the con over at Bill Crider’s blog.

In other news, when I got home and checked my email I discovered that Hard Case Crime co-founder and creator of the new Hunt for Adventure series Charles Ardai had broken the news that I’ll be writing one of the Gabriel Hunt books. I’ve done some work on this already and it’s been great fun. When Charles described the series to me and asked if I’d be interested in contributing, I emailed him back immediately and told him, “I was born to write this stuff.” After getting more involved, I’m even more convinced of that. I don’t know when my book will be out, but I’ll post the cover here as soon as I get a copy of it. Considering the other authors already lined up for the series (Christa Faust, David J. Schow, Nicholas Kauffman, and Charles himself), I’m really looking forward to reading the other books.


  1. This sounds like fun. Will this be in contemporary times like Gold Eagles Rogue Angel or a period piece?

  2. Should be great fun to read them too.

  3. Wow! I'm really excited about this series. Please do keep us posted on these.

  4. That does look like fun. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  5. Pleased to hear you enjoyed the convention. I tried to send a private email to the address over the weekend but it was returned by the "Postmaster" with the notification "unable to deliver this message after 135 hours".

    The message was nothing hugely private: just to thank you for kicking off my thought processes on "noir" and for the re-use of your recent Patten blog entry as a lead-in to the latest page at

    Cheers, Keith

  6. Both Faust and Ardai's recent Hard Case novels were really good.
