
Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Note of Thanks

Last week we moved into the mobile home that's now on our property, and it sure feels good to be back in a place of our own. I'm hoping this will lead to at least a semi-return to what passes for normalcy around here, including reading more books, watching movies again, and posting more often here on the blog. Also we can move on to the next big task, which is cleaning up the mess left by the fire. Many thanks to all of you for your words of support, your prayers, and your very generous help in so many ways. We couldn't have made it this far without you.


  1. Well, I won't say things are starting to return to normal. But at least you're on the road at last.

  2. Congratulations on moving into your own digs again. I'd say that's a big step, not that there aren't a lot of steps left to go.

  3. That is nice, to be back on home property. I'm glad for that. And it's good to at least be started on the big job of cleaning up.

  4. Have you decided how you'll rebuild? Taking the opportunity to customize the old layout, when you do?

  5. May yoiu be happy and comfortable in the trailer until the house is complete. Good luck.

  6. We don't really have any rebuilding plans yet. At the moment we're concentrating on cleaning up the mess left by the fire, as well as keeping the writing careers going. We'd like to take our time and get things just the way we want them, or as close as possible, at least. I suppose there'll always be things that don't work out exactly as they're envisioned.
