
Friday, January 18, 2008

Last Minute Reminder

Don't forget about the Robert E. Howard Birthday Party in Cross Plains tomorrow. Any of you in the North Texas area who want to drive down will be in for a day of good conversation about Howard, heroic fantasy, and probably a little bit of everything else under the sun. Howard fans are nothing if not talkative. The Howard House is on Highway 36, on the west side of town. You can't get lost in Cross Plains.


  1. Slightly off the subject, any thoughts on the Solomon Kane film they've supposedly started filming by now. Will they screw it up? They're planning a trilogy(I suppose it depends on how well audiences receive it).

  2. Wish I could be there. But I will be there for Howard days.

    Can't get lost in Cross Plains? Truer words were never spoken.

    *Waves at Randy*

  3. I'd be there, but I'll be tied up with my womenshare meeting.

  4. I'm not very optimistic about the Solomon Kane film, given Hollywood's track record with Howard material. But I'm sure I'll watch it.

    It was an excellent day in Cross Plains. I'll have a post about it on Sunday with a few pictures, I hope. Too tired tonight after the drive to work on it.
