
Friday, November 09, 2007

That Didn't Take Long

Remember a couple of days ago when I said that I'd sworn off buying books because I just don't have room for any more? Well, today I went to Half Price Books to look for a specific book one of my daughters wanted. I found it without much trouble and told myself I ought to just pay for it and leave. Well, you can guess what happened. In addition to the book for Joanna, I walked out with a couple of Agatha Christie Dell Mapbacks, a double-volume reprint of a couple of Andre Norton SF novels, STAR HUNTER and VOODOO PLANET (I mean really, VOODOO PLANET! How am I supposed to resist a title like that? It's not fair!), a nice Bantam copy of John O'Hara's short story collection HELLBOX, and a hardback boxed set of O'Hara's SERMONS AND SODA-WATER. Whatever good intentions are worth, I had 'em, I really did, but maybe it's time to admit that I'm just hopeless when it comes to books.


  1. I would say "welcome to the club." But you're already member. Every month, I say I'm going to slow down on the book buying. I mean, like you, I have more books than I can ever read. But then something new pops up(and new can mean new or an old used book someone out there recommends) and I go, "Ooh, ooh, I got to have that." I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to books, I don't know where to turn first or when to stop. It's how we are.

  2. That boxed set of Sermons and Soda Water really brings back memories. I was a big fan of O'Hara in my younger days, and when that one came out, I asked the librarian to call me after it was cataloged. I'd never seen a boxed set before, and I was highly impressed. I wish I could remember the content as well as I remember the packaging.

  3. We give hundreds each year to the local AAUW sale, then go to it and buy the same. Well, at least my shelves get a brief airing.

  4. Sounds to me like your problem isn't too many books, it's not enough shelves. Maybe it's time to take a trip to Lowes . . .

  5. I went to Half-Price yesterday and came out with one book. I went in with $3.00 in my pocket so it wasn't difficult.

  6. Yeah, I know the feeling. For some reason, I've been able to resist buying books for quite some time now, but that was more due to the lack of money than anything else.
