
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dust Devils Nominated for Spinetingler Award

DUST DEVILS has made the shortlist for the Spinetingler Awards in the Best Novel -- Legend category. You can read about it and see how to vote here. Considering the competition -- Ken Bruen, James Lee Burke, Laura Lippman, and Ian Rankin -- you can be sure of two things: I'm tremendously honored to be included, and I don't expect to win. There are some very worthy nominees in all the categories, so you should definitely go and vote. I would tell you to vote early and vote often, especially if you're voting for DUST DEVILS, but, uh, they don't allow that, drat the luck. There's even a category for Best Cover, and all five of the nominees are great. Voting ends December 30, so get those votes in.


  1. Actually, there's nothing in the rules that says you can't threaten people with bodily harm until they vote for you. Just another option to consider. ;)

  2. A worthy contender, James. You'll get my vote.

  3. you got my vote James. I mean how could I not when your book is mighty high* on my my top ten of 07 that goes up later in December.

    *and trust me I do mean pretty high up there.
