
Sunday, November 26, 2006

TCU Press Signing

For those of you in the Fort Worth area, I'll be signing books this Friday (that's December 1) at the Botanic Gardens as part of TCU Press's Annual Autograph Extravaganza, from four to six in the afternoon. Most of the contributors to NOAH'S RIDE will be there, of course, along with a number of other Texas authors. I've been to many of these annual get-togethers and always enjoyed them. It's more informal than most signings. Instead of the authors being lined up behind a table, it's more like a reception where everyone can mingle. A good chance to visit with readers and other authors. One author always gives a short talk, and this year it's Carlton Stowers. They're supposed to have copies of the Point Blank Press edition of TEXAS WIND for sale and maybe a few more of my books. If you're in the neighborhood and want to stop by, I'd be glad to see you.

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