
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Clifford: April 3, 1995 - November 14, 2006

Our family lost a really good friend today with the passing of Clifford, our miniature Schnauzer. He came to live with us when Shayna was in fourth grade and Joanna in second grade, so he's been part of the family for a long time. In some ways his health was never very good. When he was fairly young he seemed to have a mild stroke that kept his rear legs from working like they were supposed to. He recovered very well, though, and could run and play normally except for some occasional awkwardness. Then a few years ago he developed heart trouble, and I think that was finally what caused his death. His heart just gave out. But he lived several years longer than we ever expected him to.

Without a doubt, Clifford was the most cheerful dog I've ever known. If ever a dog could be said to always have a smile on his face, it was Clifford. He lived for attention. A good bout of ear rubbing and head scratching could make him whimper in pure bliss. I wish I could have given him a few more of those times, but no matter how much love he got, he always gave more.

On the list of good dogs I've had in my life, Clifford is 'way up there.


  1. Today I'll cry at almost anything but this pushed me right over the line. RIP, Clifford.

  2. Sorry to hear about Clifford!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about Clifford's passing. I have a soft spot for Schnauzers, anyway, and I can tell that Clifford was one of the greats.

  4. I was sorry to read here and in Livia's blog about Clifford. Condolences from Scott, SAndi and the cat.

  5. What a cute little guy. I'm sorry for your loss. I know the pain and hope you can comfort yourself by knowing he had a long life with a good and loving family, which is more than many dogs have.

  6. That's my comment, above. I wonder why I was called Anonymous.

  7. I used to have a dog that looked just like Clifford. Their personalities sound very alike, too.

    Some people who aren't pet owners just don't understand how much our pets can mean to us. They're not just merely pets - they're family.

    I'm sorry to hear about Clifford's passing. He sounds like he was a great little guy.
