
Friday, July 28, 2006

David Gemmell

British heroic fantasy author David Gemmell has passed away. I was sorry to hear about this. Gemmell was one of my favorite writers and a nice guy to boot. I had a good conversation with him at a World Fantasy Convention a few years ago. He was a Western fan and you could tell that by reading his fantasy novels, which often had strong Western influences. If you haven't read his work, start with his debut novel LEGEND. It's a great book.


  1. Seems like David died too young, Any idea how old he was? // Just catching up on various blogs. I hope the eye continues to heal and that you have no further trouble with it.

  2. David Gemmell was 57. I believe the article said he died of complications from heart surgery a couple of weeks ago.

  3. Damnation. I really enjoyed Legend.

  4. I'm sorry to hear this. Since you told me about Gemmell's books a few years ago, I've read and enjoyed several of them.

  5. Mr G was just a few days short of his 58th birthday. Apparently he died writing, which is fitting(source Stan Nicholls, family friend).

    I had awful visions of him being bed ridden and full of tubes. Although death is never 'easy', somehow a 'fitting' end brings solace.

  6. I wonder how many writers have gone that way. The wife of one of my fellow Western writers found him dead at the computer with the manuscript he had just finished coming out of the printer. I can think of worse ways to go.
