
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Writing Update

I finished a book today (#187, if you're keeping count, and you know me -- I always keep count) and emailed it to the editor. It was a week late, which I know is not much in this business, but it always bothers me to miss a deadline. I resolve to do better next time, but real life has a habit of interfering, especially here lately.

Tomorrow I plan to take the day off, and then Thursday I'm going to start working on one of those short stories I mentioned the other day. If it goes well I'll be working on the next novel by this weekend.


  1. You've written 187 books? That is amazing!!! Congrats!

  2. Congrats, James! Amazing! I just quoted you to my wife - her jaw fell to the floor.

  3. Hey James!
    First of all congrats to you for the 187 books! Wow, that only means I have that many more to read!!
    I just stumbled on this blog today, and I know that this is an older posting that you had made....buuuuttt....I was hoping that I was going to find out soon about Corey,Titus,Mac...and so on and so on...Was this the book that you just finished? I discovered your books just about 4 months ago, and read like a marathon through the Civil War series.. Let me just tell you that they were awesome!!! Obviously the Brannons are in my thoughts every day, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for the family. Thanks for writing such awesome realistic books!
