
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Into the Blue

I'm not sure why it is, but most of the movies we like seem to be the ones that most critics don't like. Today we watched the DVD of INTO THE BLUE, a little adventure movie about hunting for sunken treasure in the Bahamas, and enjoyed it quite a bit. Sure, it's what some people call a popcorn movie, with no ambitions other than entertainment, but hey, entertaining people isn't all that easy. In INTO THE BLUE you've got your bright colors and pretty scenery, a stalwart hero (Paul Walker) and his beautiful girlfriend (Jessica Alba), a goofy, troublemaking sidekick (Scott Caan), and another beautiful girl who's probably not any better than she has to be (Ashley Scott). Throw in some dastardly villains, some sharks, and lots of underwater photography, and I found it a perfectly fine way to spend a couple of hours.

1 comment:

  1. We watched this the other day on a recommendation from a friend and enjoyed it much more than I thought we would. Turns out it is actually a first rate adventure flick. Good popcorn flick with a better than expected story.
