
Sunday, July 24, 2005

Thrilling Western, January 1946

Here's this week's scan from the WesternPulps group, and my comments about it to the group:

This week we have the cover from the January 1946 issue of THRILLING WESTERN on the WesternPulps website. As usual, that issue featured a Walt Slade novelet by Les Scott, as well as an entry in another long-running series, the Swap and Whopper stories by Syl McDowell. This one is called "Ride 'Em, Rocketpants". I really dislike the Swap and Whopper stories and find them unfunny and almost unreadable. In fact, after falling asleep in the middle of several of them, I don't even try to read them anymore. This is probably due to no fault of McDowell, who certainly seems like a competent author in the non-series stories of his that I've read. The stories just don't work for me but might be favorites of some other reader. I ought to like them, because Swap and Whopper seem to be based on Abbott and Costello, and I love Abbott and Costello. Just a quirk on my part, I guess.

This issue also has a T.W. Ford story, and while his work is inconsistent, I've found Ford to be a generally above-average author.

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