
Thursday, July 07, 2005


This morning I was telling Livia about Evan Hunter passing away, which she hadn't heard, and at the same time I lifted the cushion on my recliner to look for something. I was surprised to see that a book had slipped down inside the chair at some time in the past. It was in a plastic bag, so I knew I'd probably bought it at Half Price Books, from the nostalgia section. I reached into the chair and pulled it out . . . and it was a copy of the science fiction novel TOMORROW AND TOMORROW by Hunt Collins, who was, of course, Evan Hunter. I bought it a couple of months ago, had no idea it was missing, and I'm not really sure how it got inside the chair. But the timing of the whole thing struck me as one of those odd coincidences that sometimes occur. Since I have the book sitting here, maybe I'll go ahead and read it in the next few days.

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