
Friday, May 27, 2005


I have to put on my proud dad hat tonight. Our younger daughter Joanna just graduated from high school, ranked 4th in a class of 371. The past few days, especially today, I've been pretty much swamped with pride, relief, and nostalgia. For the first time in 15 years, we don't have a kid in public school. That's the relief part. The nostalgia comes in because it just doesn't seem possible that she's old enough to be out of high school. She'll be off to college in the fall, and that'll probably seem even stranger. But right now I'm glad the ceremony is over and went off without a hitch. If I can get a picture off the digital camera tomorrow, I'll post it here.


  1. Congratulations to all concerned! Since I knew you before either Shayna or Joanna came along, this is hard for me to believe. Time does have a way of getting by, doesn't it. And now the empty nest syndrome can kick in.

  2. I'm hoping that I'll be busy enough this fall so that the empty next syndrome won't be a problem. We'll see.

  3. Congrats to Joanna. I know how hard she had to work to finish 4th in her class. Not that I ever worked that hard, but I've seen others do it.

  4. What a beautiful girl and what a a great set of parents she has. Two of the finest people I've ever known. Best, Livia and James--Ed Gorman
