
Sunday, May 29, 2005


12 pages today wrapped up the current book (#177 overall for me), and I'm very glad to be done with it. Livia still has some work to do on the manuscript, but it should be ready to turn in soon. I don't mind admitting that I've been using this blog as a self-motivational tool. I didn't want to have to report a bad day's output, so sometimes I worked a little harder as a result. Whatever works. I don't know if I'll continue reporting my page count. Depends, I suppose, on how the next book goes. I need to write two or possibly three outlines, but I'll have the next book started in a few days.


  1. Some dumb questions...from an awed fellow writer (awed by your amazing output!)

    1) "12 pages today wrapped up the current book (#177 overall for me)."

    How many books do you typically write in a year? And how many words are they, on average?

    2) "I'm very glad to be done with it. Livia still has some work to do on the manuscript."

    What does you wife do on the books? Is this a book you are writing together or does she proof it for you? Isn't she busy working on books of her own?

    3) You mentioned you have a number of outlines to do. How detailed are your outlines? How many pages?


  2. Congrats again! You're amazing. And I'm actually jealous, since we don't have anything here in Finland like the publisher you the write the books for.

  3. Lee, I can answer your second question for you.

    2)What does you wife do on the books?

    On this book I did much of the original research and then we plotted the series together. James did most of the writing and we both proofed it. This is one that had both our names on the contract.

    James has an amazing ability to write. After being with him for over 30 years, I'm still awed.

    Yes, I am busy these days, but not as busy as James.
