
Saturday, February 19, 2005

German Westerns

There's been some discussion the past few days on the WesternPulps list about German Westerns. By that I mean American-style Westerns, only written and published in Germany. Evidently the Western novel is still pretty popular in Germany, and the leading publisher of them is a company called Bastei. Their website features cover scans from the long-running Jack Slade series, most of which include more graphic nudity than you'll find on American paperback covers. I'll post a few if I can find some that are clean enough to keep this blog relatively family-friendly. There is also a website run by WesternPulps member Jurgen that is devoted to various German Westerns. It's in German, of course, which I don't read that well, but there's still some interesting information to be gleaned from it.

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