Monday, September 23, 2024


I wrapped up my 425th novel yesterday. I think that's a milestone worthy of a blog post and something I never seriously dreamed of achieving when I started out in this business all those years ago. I'm more convinced than ever that writing 500 novels is out of reach for me. Even 450 seems like a stretch considering how much I've already slowed down and how much I'd like to slow down even more. But that's one thing about life . . . you never know. For now, I'm proud and happy to have gotten this far, and I appreciate all readers and editors and publishers who have made it possible, and special thanks, as always, to my daughters who have helped so much, and to Livia, without whom it never would have happened.

Now I have another book to write, so I'd better get at it.


Vladimir said...

Congratulations, James! You are a titan, a Renaissance man of high adventure yarn. Keep it up!

Laird Long said...

Congratulations! Amazing accomplishment, James! Especially in this day and age. Could you tell us what a typical writing day looks like for James "Tex" Reasoner which allows you to produce so much top-notch work?

Regan MacArthur said...

Congratulations, James! Bravo.

James Reasoner said...

I don't really have a typical day anymore, but when I did and was at peak production, I'd stay at the keyboard from 9 in the morning until around 1 o'clock, break for lunch, and then back it from 2 until 6. These days it's a much more laid-back "try to get some done in the morning" and then "try to get some done in the afternoon", and except on rare occasions I'm done for the day by 5 and often by 4. Research and outlining, etc., are done whenever I can work them in.

Anonymous said...

Hi James. Any chance we can see a bibliography, or as close to it, with the understanding that there are one's you've ghostwritten and are under contract not to divulge? ~Wes

James Reasoner said...

The book list on my website is a good place to start, although it's not up to date. And there are at least 200 books that I count in my total but can't claim publicly.