Monday, December 23, 2013

More Edgar Wallace (and Keith Chapman)

Again courtesy of Keith Chapman, here's a photo of the young editor showing cover mock-ups from EDGAR WALLACE MYSTERY MAGAZINE to Wallace's children in 1964. Keith's holding the cover of the first issue, as seen in the previous post, in his left hand. A bit of publishing history for a Monday.


Walker Martin said...

This is a great photo. The magazine lasted over 30 issues so it must have made some money or at least broke even.

Anonymous said...

Walker, You can find more about the history of the magazine at Steve's Mystery File:

In the quarterly magazine illustrators this year, I said:

"Sadly, the EWMM as I envisaged it lasted less than a year. It was caught up in the overall Micron financial collapse, and the Wallace family took back the title. Under the new editorship of a largely forgotten veteran crime writer, Nigel Morland, EWMM became just another standard, detection-mystery magazine like many others — no vibrant, colour covers, just ordinary typeset titling, and little graphically to reflect the thrills and atmosphere that the public associated with the Wallace tradition."

Walker Martin said...

Thanks for the links to the articles on Mystery File about the history of the magazine. I find this information fascinating which I guess explains why I have thousands of magazines in my library! Plus I like to read the things...